Rapper and actor 50 Cent recently found a new mentor in Tyler Perry. The two media moguls met when Perry invited the rapper to visit his studio in Atlanta. 50 Cent recently shared pictures of his visit to Perry’s studio complex on Instagram. He was greeted by a sign that read, “Tyler Perry Studios welcomes 50 Cent & G-Unit.” The two posed for photos, showcasing their newfound camaraderie.
In his Instagram caption, 50 Cent reflected on the visit and credited Perry with providing advice that left him feeling “inspired.” He wrote, “I’m leaving no room for error. Tyler showed me some stuff today that inspired me. I need all my money if you owe me; you better give me mine now!” This candid admission highlighted the profound impact Perry had on him.
50 Cent Finds A Newfound Respect for Tyler Perry
This visit comes after 50 Cent defended Tyler Perry against negative comparisons on social media. In April, someone commented that the G-Unit mogul was “becoming the male Tyler Perry,” which was meant as a slight. He responded emphatically, “LOL. Y’all better stop playing. Tyler will mess y’all up; he ain’t no sucker. Don’t get it twisted now!”
50 Cent’s admiration for Perry is evident in his latest project. He recently unveiled his own G-Unit Film and TV Studios in Shreveport, Louisiana. He shared artist impressions of the space on Instagram, giving fans a sneak peek at the state-of-the-art facilities. The studio features a black-and-white marble theme, G-Unit branding, boardrooms, offices, editing suites, and a hair and makeup room.
The city of Shreveport has embraced 50 Cent’s contributions, honoring him with his own day and presenting him with a ceremonial key to the city. His studio has significantly boosted the local economy and community. Reflecting on this achievement, the rapper wrote, “Sneak peek at the insides of G-Unit Studios, shh I’m working. All roads lead to Shreveport August 8th till the 11th. Hold the date TYCOON X 10 BOOM.”