Bishop Lamor Whitehead Arrested On Extortion, Fraud, And More

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Bishop Lamor Whitehead has been arrested and charged with fraud, extortion, and lying to the feds. 

According to reports, New York City prosecutors revealed that the Bishop had allegedly solicited money from his parishioners where he kept the money for himself instead of contributing it to the church as he promised. 

In a statement, Whitehead’s attorney, Dawn Florio said, “Bishop Whitehead denies these allegations and we are going to fight them vigorously.”  Last year, a lawsuit was filed in Brooklyn Supreme Court against Whitehead claiming that he stole $90,000 in retirement savings from one of his churchgoers. 

The victim, Pauline Anderson, accused Whitehead of “persuading her to invest her entire life savings in one of his firms, Lamor Whitehead Inc.,” and he also promised that he would help her in buying her home even though she had a bad credit history. 

Anderson also claims that after she wrote a check for $90,000 she was expected to receive $100 a month to help with her bills but he later told her that he was using her money to donate to his campaign when he was running for Brooklyn Borough President. He told Anderson via text that she was not going to get her money back. “I am a man of integrity and you will not lose.” 

We recently reported that Bishop Whitehead and his wife were robbed at gunpoint during service while it was live streaming. The masked gunmen took off with almost $1 million. Two of the gunmen were charged in Brooklyn federal court. 

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