Photo Credit: Dr. Phil
16-year-old Treasure is going through what many are calling ‘transracial.’ Transracial people are individuals who assert a racial identity for themselves which differs from their birth ethnicity.
Her mother, Monique and brother, Kendal went on the ‘Dr. Phil Show’ to seek help because “she’s an embarrassment to them.” Treasure believes she’s 100 percent Caucasian.
Furthermore, Treasure says she acts and thinks like white people and that she “completely and utterly better” than Black people. She refers to African-American people as “hood rats, thuggish, and ghetto.”
Monique says:
“She wouldn’t play with the Black children. Treasure would mangle or destroy her Black dolls. She would cut their heads off, pull off their arms. She would pretend that they were the white dolls’ slaves.”
During the show, Dr. Phil introduced Treasure to a licensed therapist and life coach, Spirit who is from Atlanta, Georgia.
“We have issues around racial identity, and we have issues around self-esteem. It’s not that she hates Black people; it’s that she hates herself, and she wants her old life back.”
Spirit extended her visit to Atlanta, where she can be around strong black women who are making things happen. Treasure declined her offer and called Spirit a “hood rat.”