Cassie Breaks Her Silence After Assault Video Surfaces

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Cassie breaks her silence days after a video of Diddy assaulting her surfaces. 

The singer went on her Instagram to thank her fans for all of their love and support. “Thank you for all of the love and support from my family, friends, strangers, and those I have yet to meet,” she wrote. “The outpouring of love has created a place for my younger self to settle and feel safe now, but this is only the beginning.”

In her post she added that domestic violence is the issue and asked that people believe victims the first time. Cassie also urged victims to speak up and reach out their support system. 

Last November, the “Me & U” singer filed a lawsuit against Diddy accusing him of sexual assault, sex trafficking, and more egregious acts done to her during their ten year relationship. Diddy has denied all allegations until the video surfaced. He would later release an apology video for his actions.