Daughter Allegedly Beats Mom To Death With Pan; ‘I Just Killed My Mom’

A Bronx woman beat her mother to death with a cooking pot, then called 911 to eerily confess to the brutal killing, sources and shocked family members said.

Skydajah Patterson, 26, faces charges of murder and manslaughter for the incident. Police say that Patterson and the victim Selma McLean, 46, both shared the same home address of 720 Westchester Ave.

“I am going to be at court for every court date [Patterson] has. That’s my sister. I don’t want her to feel like she’s alone,” said Danaeyah Reynolds, 26, the victim’s goddaughter.

Family friends said Patterson, once a promising basketball player, was suffering from ongoing mental health difficulties, recently coming home from a stay at a psychiatric ward and never recovering after giving birth to a stillborn baby six months ago.

Danaeyah Reynolds said the victim expressed that she was afraid of Patterson moments before she was killed.

“[Patterson] was in a psych ward in February until last week,” Reynolds said during an interview with the Post. “She started hearing voices and started speaking in a man’s voice last night. My godmother said she was afraid.”

When Reynolds, Mclean’s goddaughter, got to the apartment unit, she “just saw blood” at the scene. 

When cops responded to the third-floor unit, the younger woman was allegedly found still clutching the blood-covered pot, sources said. 

She allegedly admitted to using the kitchen ware to hit her mother on the back of her head, knocking her unconscious, the sources said. 

Selma McLean was pronounced dead at the scene.

Her daughter was taken into custody, but did not face any charges by the late afternoon, cops said.

This is not the first time Patterson allegedly got into a dispute with McLean. According to NBC New York, her mother had called the police on two other occasions. A previous attack happened in February.

“It was with knives that time,” Reynolds added, per the Post. “The demons, the voices in her head were telling her, ‘Your mom is out to get you; your mom is a bad person — watch out for her!’”