Doctors Share Photos Wearing Scrubs Soaked in Gunshot Victim’s Blood, NRA Tells Them ‘Stay in Your Lane’

Photo Credit: Giles Clarke /Getty

The medical community is speaking out following the last mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, California. A doctor at the US’s National Rifle Association shared a powerful picture of herself covered in someone else’s blood.

This all started after the NRA tweeted a link to an article from its Institute of Legislative Action with the caption:

“Someone should tell self-important anti-gun doctors to stay in their lane. Half of the articles in Annals of Internal Medicine are pushing for gun control. Most upsetting, however, the medical community seems to have consulted NO ONE but themselves.”



According to FOX 13, the tweet went out hours before a “gunman walked into the Boderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, killing at least 12 people before turning the gun on himself.”

The NRA tweet riled up thousands of people in and out the medical industry who are now using the hashtag #ThisIsMyLane to speak out on gun control.

Dr. Kristen Gee joined other doctors after the association told them to ‘stay in their lane.’ She shared a photo with her scrubs soaked in a gunshot victim’s blood with caption:

‘To the @NRA, this is what it looks like to stay in #mylane.’

She adds,

“We will not silent about the toll of #gunviolence. I speak out for this patient, for their parents who will never be the same, for every person who came after this one and didn’t have to #thisiseveryoneslane.”

Check out some of the tweets below: