The beloved sitcom Everybody Hates Chris is getting a fresh new look as an adult animated series. Comedy Central announced that the reimagined show, Everybody Still Hates Chris, is set to premiere on September 25, 2024, at 10 pm ET/PT. This new series is an animated take on Chris Rock’s popular autobiographical sitcom, which originally aired from 2005 to 2009.
Returning Cast and New Voices for Everybody Still Hates Chris
Fans of the original show will be thrilled to know that Tichina Arnold and Terry Crews, who portrayed Chris Rock’s parents, are reprising their roles in the animated version. Chris Rock himself will also return as the narrator, bringing his unique voice to the chaotic and humorous stories of his childhood in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn.
“I’m very excited to introduce the world to another funny side of my childhood,” said Chris Rock in a statement. The comedian’s enthusiasm is palpable as he steps back into the role that first brought his childhood experiences to the screen, now in a new format.
The new cast includes Tim Johnson Jr., Ozioma Akagha, Terrence Little Gardenhigh, and Gunnar Sizemore, who are set to bring fresh energy to the series.
A New Chapter
Everybody Still Hates Chris has been in the works since it was first announced in August 2022. The series was greenlit by MTV Entertainment Studios to air on both Paramount+ and Comedy Central. The animation for the series is being handled by Titmouse, known for their work on shows like Big Mouth.
Chris Rock, alongside Sanjay Shah, Ali LeRoi, Michael Rotenberg, and Dave Becky, will serve as executive producers, ensuring that the new series stays true to the spirit of the original while offering something fresh for both old fans and new viewers.
“A reimagining of this groundbreaking, critically acclaimed series has been a source of creative discussions at our studio for a long time,” said George Cheeks, president and CEO of CBS. “It’s exciting to join forces with the comedic genius of Chris Rock as he expands on his vision in this innovative new format.”