Kevin Hart opens up about his childhood and reveals that things were not always easy for him growing up.
During a recent interview on the Million Dollaz Worth of Game podcast, Hart talked about the time he and his mother were robbed at gunpoint when he was a kid in Philadelphia. “Me and my mom got robbed. Wanna hear the crazy part? We were coming from a laundromat,” the comedian said.
He continued, “We got the shopping cart, I’m talking folded clothes, right, my mom got the cart. I got my book bag, I used to go to the laundromat to do my homework. My mom was just carrying this little orange fanny pack, when a dude came out, he said, ‘Get that s**t up, bi***.’ And my Mom was like, ‘No.’”
Hart stated that his mother insisted on not giving up her purse. “I swear to God. Hand on the Bible, my mom said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘You think I’m f***ing playing with you? Get that s**t up.’ My mom was like, ‘It’s nothing in it, and no.’”
The actor added, “I’m just standing there, I’m looking… I’m shocked that I’m looking at a gun. He snatched it off, he went through the purse. My mom had a bunch of tokens in there, right? Guy gets mad, he throws it at my mom. ‘You broke, b***h.’ He called my mama a broke b***h.”
Kevin joked about having to push the shopping cart after almost being robbed and said that he never walked up that street again. “The rest of my life I took the longest way to get to the laundromat. What once was a five-minute walk took me 30 minutes.”