Michael Jackson’s Nephew is Raising Money to Counter ‘Leaving Neverland’ with New Docuseries

Photo Credit: Amy Graves/Getty Images

It’s been one month since HBO’s release of Leaving Neverland, and Michael Jackson’s family is committed to fighting to clear the name of their late family member – including MJ’s nephew, Taj Jackson. 

Taj, Tito Jackson’s 45-year-old son, says he’s a “fighter,” and needed to be “out in front fighting for my uncle.”

Taj’s fight began one month ago when he launched a GoFundMe page dedicated to raising money for a docuseries about his uncle, Michael, which will counter film director Dan Reed’s portrayal of the King of Pop.

“I knew there was going to be something for the 10th anniversary of his death because the media can’t help it… although I never thought in my wildest dreams it would be Leaving Neverland,” the next generation Jackson recently told Billboard. “Not to mention that a one-sided documentary was going to be accepted as truth. I thought people would at least research,” he continued.

Jackson has raised nearly $120,000 to date, and has set a goal of $777,000. Donations have ranged from $5 to $1,000, and may only increase as time goes on.

Acknowledging the impact Michael had on his life, Taj says he doesn’t understand how the public has been able to turn on him so effortlessly.

There’s no law to protect my uncle at all. There’s no law against defaming, slandering or libeling the dead. Wade and James’ [allegations in Leaving Neverland] also contradict their own depositions under oath and in court. Knowing how giving my uncle was, I don’t understand how they could turn on him when he’s no longer here. It’s evil.”

And according to Billboard, Taj “says he took part in more than 200 sleepovers at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch and never saw or even suspected any sexual misconduct, dismisses Robson (whom he knew during their childhoods) and Safechuck’s allegations in the film, claiming the two men are interested only in making money.”

While Taj’s stance is clear, he reiterates why his currently untitled docu-project is significant: “I don’t want someone watching Leaving Neverland a hundred years from now and thinking it’s true. I want there to be a counter argument that debunks everything.  When I say everything, I mean everything. I’m doing this for my uncle because he deserves it. He needs someone to stick up for him like he stuck up for us.”