Nick Cannon recently stopped by Dr.Laura Berman’s podcast, “The Language of Love” for a deep dive on life and parenthood. At the 30-minute mark, Cannon details why he no longer uses the word legacy and how he is working towards a Masters Degree and Ph.D.
“Why don’t you say legacy?” host Dr.Berman asked. “Legacy is about what you do not what you produce.” He added, “My children hopefully will have their own legacy.”
The Wild ‘n Out host explained that he wants his legacy to include doing for others – building hospitals, education facilities, and leaving literature. “But my children are my lineage.”
Dr. Berman asked Cannon, “I think you told me you are getting some sort of certification or degree in child development?
Cannon reminded listeners that in 2020, he graduated from Howard University with a degree in criminology. While pursuing his degree, the 42-year old comedian researched heavily into the incarceration and justice system. His academic work in undergrad behooved him to pursue graduate school.
“I was already going to get a Master’s in psychology and a PhD in Divinity.” He added, “then I shifted so instead of a masters in psychology, it’s a masters in child psychology.”
Cannon, a father of 12, believes a child psychology degree will aid him in understanding the needs of his children.