According to reports, 6-Year-old Nadia King is a special needs student suffering from ADHD, a mood disorder and is also being tested for autism. Last week Love Grove Elementary school decided to send King involuntarily to a mental health facility for destroying school property, attacking staff, being “out of control,” and running around the school according to the incident report.
However, her mother is outraged that she wasn’t notified about this decision until she was already on her way to River Point Behavioral Health. But school staff claims they followed the district’s procedure through the incident and when they notified Falk.
The Baker Act passed in 1971 allows the involuntary institutionalization and examination of an individual. It allows mental health officials to hold a person for up to 72 hours if they are thought to be mentally ill, refusing a voluntary examination, or pose a threat to themselves or others. The school district said, “When a student’s behavior presents a risk of self-harm or harm to others, the school district’s procedure is to call Child Guidance, our crisis response provider.”
Reganel Reeves, the attorney representing Nadia King says his client medicine was just recently changed which could have contributed to her behavior. Her mother reported that before this incident the school never mentioned any issue. The female officer stated King was “actually very pleasant” while being transported to the health facility. However, Reeves is still demanding accountability.
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