The Family of Shanquella Robinson Sends Tubi A Cease-and-Desist Letter

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As the family of Shanquella Robinson are still mourning her loss, they recently issued a cease-and-desist letter to the video streaming platform, Tubi. 

According to reports, the platform released a crime drama called “Street Legal” that used Robinson’s death in a recent episode. If you remember, Robinson died while on a trip with her friends to Mexico.

The family’s attorney, Sue-Ann Robinson issued a letter that read, “We must express our profound dismay at the distressing misrepresentation and unauthorized use of Shanquella’s identity and the events surrounding her tragic passing.”

In the episode titled “Frenemies,” viewers can see the friends fighting the young woman which would ultimately leave her dead, in a similar manner to how Shanquella found. Sue-Ann Robinson also said that the episode “infringed on Shanquella Robinson and her family’s legal rights and inflicted emotional distress on her loved ones by forcing them to relive the tragedy “in a manner that is inaccurate, disrespectful, and damaging to the reputation.”

At the time, Robinson’s friends told her family that she died from alcohol poisoning, however it was later discovered that she was attacked by one of the friends she was on vacation with in a video that went viral. 

In April, U.S. prosecutors announced that charges will be brought against the person(s) involved in Robinson’s death and Mexican authorities issued a warrant for the suspect and asked for extradition of the suspect to face charges there. 

According to the Mexican autopsy, Shanquella Robinson died from severe injuries to neck and spinal cord, however, the United States autopsy cites discrepancies.