The Legendary Marvin Gaye and Gregory Hines Will be honored on U.S. Postage Stamps

Photo Credit: Jim Britt / Harry Langdon 


The United States postal service announced that both Marvin Gaye and Gregory Hines will be honored on US Postage Stamps in 2019, for being two of the most celebrated men in African-American music and art.

Hines will be featured on the 42ndstamp in the Black Heritage series which is said to display a picture of the sole of his tap shoe. The image is a nod to show he reignited excitement surrounding the style of dance in the 90s.

Marvin Gaye’s stamps depicts a painting of Gaye on one side. The other side of the stamp will feature a brief write-up on Gaye’s impact in American music. In addition, the image will display a portion of a record slipping from its sleeve and the signature Music Icons series logo.

Take a look below: 

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Check out my new US Postage Stamp! Coming in 2019. Marvin Gaye. With this new stamp in the Music Icons series, the U.S. Postal Service honors Marvin Gaye (1939–1984) — the “Prince of Soul” — one of the most influential music performers of his generation. The stamp design features a portrait of Gaye inspired by historic photographs. The stamp pane is designed to resemble a vintage 45 rpm record sleeve. One side of the pane includes the stamps, brief text about Gaye’s legacy, and the image of a sliver of a record seeming to peek out the top of the sleeve. Another portrait of Gaye, also inspired by historic photographs, appears on the reverse along with the Music Icons series logo. Art director Derry Noyes designed the stamp pane with original art by @kadirnelson #marvingaye #kadirnelson #stamps #motown #usps

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