Tina Knowles Says That Solange Was Conceived On The Nile River

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Tina Knowles gets personal and reveals where her youngest daughter, Solange Knowles, was conceived.

While as a guest on Vogue’s podcast, The Run-Through, she confessed that Solange was conceived on the Nile River in Egypt. She also talked about how she came up with her daughter’s unique name. 

“I thought I was having a boy and I wanted to name him Niles,” she said. “But little did I know, here came this girl.” Knowles went on to say that she got the name Solange from a baby book that she initially brought for a friend of hers. 


Although many may be surprised by Knowles’s confession, this isn’t the first time that it has been talked about. In 2017, Solange reflected on the story and said, “I had some revelations in terms of my parents finding out they conceived me in Egypr after visiting the Giza pyramids and I connected to that and the constellation of Orion that aligns with Giza.” 

Tina Knowles continued to speak about her family and even mentioned how her granddaughter, Blue Ivy keeps her in check when it comes to social media. “Every once in a while, I’ll get a call from Blue and she’ll say, ‘Grandma, that’s really wack what you just did, That’s really wack. You should delete that. Really? You should delete that.”