Over the weekend Tina Turner’s documentary premiered on HBO Max and it tells that story of Tina Turner is the epitome of rebirth within her career. Fans who’ve seen the biopic What’s Love Got To Do With It, already got an inside look at what the singer’s life was like while with her late husband, Ike Turner.
However, fans may not know the struggles that Turner went through to reach the success that she has longed for. Of course, these successes didn’t come without some setbacks but Turner was able to overcome it all. Here are five things that we learned about Tina Turner from her documentary.
- Before fans learned about Tina Turner’s life in the hit film “What’s Love Got To Do With It”, she first told her story in 1981 to People magazine.
- Turner revealed that she first encountered abuse from Ike when she was pregnant with their first child. She said that she was beaten with a shoe stretcher, then sent to bed, and forced to perform on stage the next day.
- Tina released her first album Private Dancer in 1984 and it marked her rebirth as a solo artist.
- Tina revealed that she and her mother did not have the best relationship even after reaching her success. The singer said, “My mother didn’t want me but she wanted my success.”
- Tina Turner met her second husband while on tour and they didn’t get married 27-years later. She was able to find the love that she was longing for.
This film comes out after we reported that Tina Turner was saying her final farewells to her fans. Let us know what you think about this film.