Wendy Williams’s Estranged Husband Kevin Hunter Caught Screaming & Cursing after Receiving Divorce Papers

Photo Credit: Johnny Nunez/Getty

Wendy Williams finally served Kevin Hunter with divorce papers early Thursday morning.  And now we have the inside scoop courtesy of LoveBScott.com!

According to the site, Kevin was served divorce papers disguised as a present wrapped with a bow. A source says:

“When Kevin excitedly opened the box, thinking it was a gift of some sort, the process server uttered those famous words, ‘you have been served.’ Kevin is now persona non-grata at ‘The Wendy Williams Show.’ The passcodes have been changed and his access to the building has been revoked. Wendy has instructed staff to not let him anywhere near her.”

And let’s just say he did not take this very well. He was allegedly cursing and screaming when he was not allowed into production offices.