Woman Helps a Homeless Man Who Was in a Confrontation With Police [VIDEO]

Photo credit: Mark Makela / Getty Images

Not all heroes wear caps!  This woman steps in and helps a homeless man who was involved in a confrontation with the police.  You can hear the woman in the background yelling, “It’s not worth dying.”

The woman, Grace Maria, was caught on camera helping a homeless man and she is just happy she was able to “save a life.” She was there to calm down the situation down, as the homeless thought that the police was going to shoot him.

The police officer asked Maria to step back, as the homeless man had a knife in his hand. She refused to leave his side. The woman was successfully able to defuse the situation, as Anthony (the homeless man), did as the police said to avoid further consequences.

In an interview, Grace states, “It was traumatic for sure but I’m thankful it didn’t get worse either,” Grace said. “They said he had a knife but he’s homeless so he probably had it for protection.”

Grace Maria made a GoFundMe page for Anthony.

Check out the video below.