Cyntoia Brown Apologizes To Family Of The Victim + Speaks Prison Rehabilitation

photo credit: screenshot via instagram 

Cyntoia Brown, is finally speaking out after being released from her 15 year prison sentence.

Brown was found guilty at age 16 for the murder of a 43-year old man by the name of Jhonny Allen. According to reports, Allen was found naked and shot dead in his home back in 2004. However, not only was she convicted of murder but was also sentenced to life in prison. 

Her conviction became a topic of discussion back in 2017, when many celebrities took their social media to express their opinions on the case which sparked the viral hashtag #FreeCyntoiaBrown. 

Earlier this year Cyntoia was granted clemency and released from prison back in early August.

 She is now speaking out as well as apologizing to the family of the victim. In a recent interview, Brown reflects on the tragic night back in 2004,  

“ You know, there’s times I wonder, like, was I really, like, in real life in danger? “Or was that just in my head?”

Brown also describes how she was able to overcome her obstacles in prison although it was a difficult.