Lenny Kravitz Says He Hasn’t Been ‘Celebrated’ By Black Media

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Lenny Kravitz is opening up about feeling unappreciated in the Black community. In a conversation with Esquire, he explained that throughout his career, Black media has not given him the love he felt he deserved.

“To this day, I have not been invited to a BET thing or a Source Awards thing,” he explained.” And it’s like, here is a Black artist who has reintroduced many Black art forms, who has broken down barriers—just like those that came before me broke down, that is positive. And they don’t have anything to say about it?”

Kravitz continued on to question why his work was “not celebrated by the folks who run those publications or organizations.” He added, “I have been that dream and example of what a Black artist can do.” 

Although he is disappointed in the lack of recognition he did make sure to add, “I’m not here for the accolades.”

“I’m here for the experience,” he concluded.