Mel B Opens Up About Past Relationship With Eddie Murphy: ‘He Was The Great Love of My Life’

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Mel B continues to promote her memoir ‘Brutally Honest’ where she details everything from her past marriage with Eddie Murphy and her drug use.

During a recent interview, she describes the comedian as the “great love” of her life. Mel B says,

“He always will be. I mean, I’ve never really spoken about it before, so this book, I wanted to address it because a lot of people have a misconstrued thing of how everything actually did happen. And at the end of the day we have a beautiful daughter together, Angel, who is 11 years old, and she’s actually staying with him right now whilst I’m here working.”

She also shared that she ended the relationship with Eddie after nine months into the relationship.

“It was like a love story that didn’t have a perfect ending.”
Mel B Brutally Honest

Mel reveals that she met Eddie during a dinner party at his house.

“It was very intense, that attraction, and I left actually because it was a bit too much. But he’s such a lovely person, he’s all about family and he’s very respectful and very old school and we courted for quite some time before anybody knew.”