Roseanne Issues First On-Air Apology to Valerie Jarrett…Kind Of

Photo Credit: Screenshot/YouTube

Roseanne Barr appeared in her first public interview to address her unruly tweets about President Obama’s former senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett.

Barr sat down with FOX News’ Sean Hannity yesterday (July 26) to talk politics, her troublesome antics of the past, and of course, that unforgettable and costly tweet.

Roseanne’s sit down with Hannity came five days after she began streaming her own show on her new YouTube channel. The opening video went something like this.

The interview opened by recapping the ostracized TV star’s controversial past. Hannity jumped right into things as he faced Roseanne and said, “You sent this tweet out—“ Before Hannity could finish his sentence, Barr interrupted him to say, “Actually, I was hacked,” in an attempt to lighten the conversation and the mood.

An unentertained Hannity continued on, saying, “Let’s get into it. ‘Muslim brotherhood. Planet of the apes.’ You’re talking about Valerie Jarrett. What were you thinking when you said that? I know you said people shouldn’t defend you, but…”

Roseanne responded, saying, “I just didn’t want to get into the whole game of it. That was a political tweet, and I’ve been on Twitter for a long time and … let’s put it this way … I walked away in 2012 when I ran for president of a socialist party. And I saw for myself, it wasn’t where my values were.”

The interview continued with the network showing a clip of a recent episode of YouTube’s The Roseanne Show, where an angry and irritated Barr began screaming, “I thought the b*tch was white!”

Hannity’s conversation took place for nearly an hour, and it took quite some time for Roseanne to get to the point: giving an apology. And her attempt at an “apology” is quite questionable.

Watch the full interview below.