Whoa!! NJ Woman Burns Man’s House after He Stood Her Up For Late-Night Sex

Photo Credit: YouTube Screenshot

A New Jersey woman is now locked up after she set fire to the home of her lover after he invited her over for late-night sex.

Taija Russell was arrested earlier this month for burning down the home of a Woodbury man. According to police officials:

“The residence and its contents were completely destroyed.”

Police found threatening messages sent from Russell to the victim saying “You wasted my money to come out here” and “I see you wanna die.” Russell is now being charged with aggravated arson, endangering and criminal mischief and attempted murder.




NorthJersey.com reports: 

The victim, whose name has not been released, awoke around 4:30 a.m. to find flames blacking the exit from his smoke-filled residence. he escaped by physically removing a window frame and climbing through the opening, police said.

The man described as “covered head to toe in scoot and ash” and wearing only a T-shirt, then ran around two-tenths of a mile Woodbury’s police station.

As of now, the victim is currently being treated for first and second-degree burns and smoke inhalation.